Future Educator

Author: tsandhoff


This is site is meant to provide a running start for building your ePortfolio in WordPress. If this is your first time using WordPress take a look at the How-To Guide to get started.

Once you feel comfortable, you can customize this site in many ways: adding images, changing themes, settings, etc…

All the additional example posts and pages on this site can be deleted or changed to a draft (not visible on the main page) once you get rolling with your ePortfolio.

Site Privacy Settings

You can adjust your WordPress site privacy options from your Dashboard under Settings>Reading in the Site Visibility section. If you would like your site to be private we suggest using the following two options:

  1. Discourage search engines from indexing this site
  2. Visible only to registered users of this network

Note: The settings above still allow anyone with your site address and an opened.ca account to access your website.

WordPress How-to Guide

We are here to help you create your ePortfolio, so do not hesitate to ask for technical support. To get started on creating your ePortfolio we suggest the following steps:

The first steps:

  1. Log in if you have not already logged in; get familiar with the WordPress dashboard and administration interface. You can also watch this short video for more information.
  2. Remember: When you are in the site administration area of your ePortfolio, you can get tips on what you are doing by clicking the “Help” menu on the top-right corner.
  3. Review your settings, start by changing your Site Title under Settings>General. You need to hit the “Save” button to save your changes. Learn more about the WordPress General Settings area.
  4. Add a new post. You can pick one of the existing categories by checking a box on the sidebar of the authoring interface. You can manage your categories on the right-hand sidebar as well or in the main Categories section of your site. You will need to hit the blue “Publish” button on the right-hand side before your post appears. You may want to review the Post Visibility options if you would prefer to keep your content private.
  5. We have created your ePortfolio with four main pages and a blogging area. You can add more pages, or you can delete what is there. Maybe start by changing your About Me page by introducing yourself and sharing a little about yourself.
  6. You are welcome to change the images and upload your own. Before you get started you may want to watch this short video about using images from Google.
  7. Check out Creative Commons Search, the Wikimedia Commons, and Unsplash for copyright-friendly images. Be sure to to use the appropriate Creative Commons license and attribution for any images you use.
  8. Probably the most common question from students is how to customize the menus on the navigation bar.  You can manage or update your navigation menu from the Appearance>Menus section on the left-hand sidebar. Check out the WordPress Menu User Guide and review this video if you would like more information about customizing your site menu.

How-to section:

Getting more help and information

Take a look at the following resources:

If you have any additional questions or feedback please feel free to contact Thomas Sandhoff in Open Learning at tsandhoff@tru.ca.

Video Example

This post contains an embedded video from YouTube. You can paste the video URL into the page and the embed happens automatically.

Quote Example

This is an example quote.

This post uses the Blockquote formatting option in the WordPress text editor.

Link Example

This post links to another website using the Insert/Edit Link in the WordPress text editor.

Single Image Example

This post has a single image added to the content using the Add Media button in the WordPress Post editor.

Image Gallery Example

This post contains an image gallery inserted using the Add Media button in the WordPress Post editor.

Audio Example

This post contains an embedded audio clip from SoundCloud. You can paste the audio URL into the page and the embed happens automatically.

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